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urachal cyst中文是什么意思

用"urachal cyst"造句"urachal cyst"怎么读"urachal cyst" in a sentence


  • 脐尿管囊肿


  • Figure 11 . a , urachal cyst . the cyst is infected and contains faintly echogenic fluid . b , urachal cyst . the anterior wall of the tense cyst produces reerberation artifacts
    图11a ,脐尿管囊肿,此囊肿已受感染,内部含有微弱回声的液体。 b ,脐尿管囊肿,紧绷的囊肿前壁产生反射伪影。
  • Figure 11 . a , urachal cyst . the cyst is infected and contains faintly echogenic fluid . b , urachal cyst . the anterior wall of the tense cyst produces reverberation artifacts
    图11a ,脐尿管囊肿,此囊肿已受感染,内部含有微弱回声的液体。 b ,脐尿管囊肿,紧绷的囊肿前壁产生反射伪影。
用"urachal cyst"造句  


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